ESP Group

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme Phase 2 (ESOS)

Challenge Ahead

Failing to comply to the ESOS standards can result in a fine of up to £50,000. As ESOS requires a lead assessor to sign off the work, PEM were necessary in order for ESP to finalise their report.

Our Solution

As a qualified lead assessor, PEM were assigned to produce the ESOS report as well as sign it off before submission.

Value Created

The ESOS submission provided by ourselves meant that ESP legally complied and also developed an understanding of potential energy saving opportunities within their buildings and company. Implementation of these recommendations will result in cost/energy savings and reduce carbon emissions.

Brocklesby's Climate Change Agreement Assistance

Efficiently managing Brocklesby's Climate Change Agreement (CCA)

Learn how we navigated Brocklesby's CCA requirements with precision and expertise. This allowed the client to claim the relevant CCL exemptions from their supplier.

Diebold Nixdorf Energy Management Compliance Project (SECR)

Streamlining Energy Compliance for Diebold Nixdorf

Learn how we helped Diebold Nixdorf achieve legal compliance and streamline energy management and provided them with a detailed Streamlined Energy Carbon Report.

Cut costs & reduce your
envirnmental impact today

We’re always happy to help, start the conversation and contact us below.

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