PEM Ltd. can tailor energy and water utility contracts to suit your business. That means we can solve your business energy or water problems. Whether your utilities are a major strategic concern or you’re just trying to find anew energy contract, Professional Energy Management Ltd. is right for you.
We currently purchase energy on behalf of clients across the Yorkshire & Humber Region. We are focused on working in partnership to deliver innovative solutions that fit around your business needs. Contracts range from simple fixed-price, fixed-term contract arrangements to highly sophisticated solutions.
“Professional Energy Management (PEM) deliver energy cost savings to your business by analysing the technology within your buildings to ensure they are operating energy efficiently. Additionally, PEM can provide energy legal compliance services and environmental standards, for example, ISO14001. We also have access to competitive electricity and gas prices through our intelligent market analysis tools. Get in touch today and start saving”.
PEM Ltd. provide an invoice validation service for your electricity, gas and water invoices. Often utility suppliers charge the incorrect amounts for climate change levy, VAT, surface water charges, TUOS/DUOS charges etc. We can help recover these files providing savings at no cost to your business as we work on a ‘no-win-no-fee’ basis.
Furthermore, 2017 saw the commencement of the retail water market in the UK. Historically, customers were obliged to purchase water from their incumbent regional supplier, Yorkshire Water, Anglia Water etc. However, this market is about to change, and customers can purchase water across regions in a similar way to how gas and electricity is purchased nowadays.
PEM Ltd. can compare quotes from different suppliers ensuring your business receives water at the lowest cost with the highest added value services (e.g. metering and leak detection).
PEM Ltd. have experience of writing and implementing Carbon Management Plans for various clients. Our academic experience allows us to accurately calculate potential savings (kWh/yr & £/yr) by applying fundamental physical laws.
We are then able to calculate the annual CO2 emission reduction potential (tCO2/yr). Capital costs and simple payback for the energy reduction schemes are compiled for the various energy reduction interventions. The interventions are prioritised to ensure finances are targeted in the right areas ensuring a quick return on capital investment.
For larger schemes we can calculate the return on investment (ROI) and perform discounted cash flow analysis. Public sector bodies often use marginal abatement cost curves to provide a benchmark on payback periods. We have experience of applying this within a higher education and healthcare background.
Often organisations are using electricity and gas while the business is closed incurring excessive financial losses. Our half-hourly profiling service will expose your weaknesses allowing us to develop mitigating actions to the problems highlighted.
Other data analysis methods include;
Degree-day analysis
CUSUM – Cumulative Sum Analysis
Thermography – Thermal Camera Surveys
Room temperature profiling (too hot or too cold)
Boiler combustion performance – temperature, flue gas CO2 and O2 readings
Example technologies include;
LED lighting – Reduction of lighting power by replacing lights with high efficiency LED alternatives.
Insulation - We analyse the fabric of your buildings and your heat distribution systems using thermal cameras and recommend low cost ‘quick win’ cost reductions.
Controls - These cost reduction interventions require low cost but can yield large savings.
Solar PV – Solar PV remains a firm financial favourite. Simple payback periods are c. 6.5 years with significant 20-year cost savings.
Thermography surveys can spot existing trouble but have even greater value as a preventive measure. Conducting a survey as part of your annual routine maintenance program or before a machine outage provides the opportunity to identify and purchase any replacement parts ahead of time.
One of the benefits of infrared scanning is that equipment doesn’t need to be shut down. It's preferable for it to be operating near full-load capacity.
Based on the survey, you'll receive infrared thermographic images of your equipment in operation and customised reports. Examples of equipment that can be scanned;
Electrical switch gear, breakers, bus connections, and contacts
Transformer connections
Mechanical couplings on rotating equipment
Process piping and heat exchangers
Motor and generator connections, windings, feeders and excitors
Friction in drive gears and drive belts
Refractory systems (e.g., boilers, kilns, molten material containment)
Steam traps and piping insulation
Tank levels and insulation problems
Delivery of energy audits to SMEs within North East Lincolnshire.
PEM help E-Factor to help businesses achieve their goals regarding energy reduction. The Smart Energy NE Linconshire programme aims to assist SMEs in reducing their carbon emissions.
Calculating Energy Savings at J&J Courcelles
The energy savings calculations were undertaken for Sodexo hard FM services. The centre is responsible for the distribution of medicines for global clinical studies, consumer products and vaccines.
We’re always happy to help, start the conversation and contact us below.